Laguna - Mastering the Craft - Miroslav Mišković - Knjige o kojima se priča
Mastering the Craft
Format: 13x20 cm
Broj strana: 224
Pismo: Latinica
Povez: Tvrd
Godina izdanja:
27. decembar 2024.
ISBN: 978-86-521-5640-5
Srbija i ostale države

Cena: 999.00 din

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719.28 din

Za porudžbine iz Srbije dostava je besplatna za iznose preko 3000 dinara
Crna Gora

Cena: 9.40 €

Sa članskim popustom i do:
6.77 €

Za porudžbine iz Srbije dostava je besplatna za iznose preko 3000 dinara
Bosna i Hercegovina

Cena: 18.90 KM

Sa članskim popustom i do:
13.61 KM

Za porudžbine iz Srbije dostava je besplatna za iznose preko 3000 dinara
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Everything I Have Learned About Business The Hard Way

Following the success of his bestseller I, Tycoon, Miroslav Mišković distills over half a century of business experience into Mastering the Craft. In this book, he shares the invaluable lessons he’s learned—often the hard way—so readers can avoid his mistakes and, most importantly, gain insights from his successes.

"Through personal and authentic storytelling, Mišković shares principles, anecdotes, and timeless lessons drawn from decades of experience in dynamic industries, markets, and circumstances. This book is a treasure trove of insights for anyone striving for long-term success and sustainability in business, no matter the industry."
– Branko Milutinović, CEO of Nordeus

"The originality of Miroslav Mišković's book lies in its foundation—not in theory, but in fifty years of hands-on business leadership experience. This isn’t just a book of knowledge; it’s a source of rare inspiration in a world where the pursuit of power often overshadows the profound impact of business on people and communities. As you journey through its pages, you’ll uncover thought-provoking economic lessons and fresh perspectives."
– Georges Ugeux, Chairman of Galileo Global, Lecturer at Columbia University

"In our country, there’s a prevailing belief that anyone can run a private business—as if becoming a billionaire is easy, and people are simply too lazy to try. Before reading this book, I felt it was essential for us to have something like it, and as I dove into its pages, my intuition was confirmed. I recalled a politician once telling Mišković, ‘If I fail, I’ll just go into business.’ That mindset is precisely why this book is invaluable. Whether you’re starting out or already thriving, read it before you hit a wall. Don’t let laziness stop you."
– Veljko Lalić, Editor-in-Chief and Owner of Nedeljnik Magazine

"To me, Mastering the Craft is more than a collection of business lessons—it’s the foundation of everything Delta Holding stands for today. Within its pages lies the essence of what our employees live and breathe every day: values that guide every decision and action we take. Symbolically, its 33 chapters reflect 33 years of the company’s existence, weaving together the principles and purpose that connect our team as we build businesses and contribute to a better world."
– Marija Desivojević Cvetković, Senior Vice President, Delta Holding
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